Running the Calico tutorials on DigitalOcean

Calico is designed to provide high performance massively scalable virtual networking for private data centers. But you can also run Calico within a public cloud such as DigitalOcean. The following instructions show how to network containers using Calico routing and the Calico security model on DigitalOcean.

Getting Started with Digital Ocean

These instructions assume a total of two DigitalOcean hosts running CoreOS. For more general background, see the CoreOS on DigitalOcean documentation.

1. Spinning up the VMs

From the DigitalOcean Web Console, select the “Create Droplet” button in the top right corner.

In the form that appears, give the machine a hostname, select a desired size (the smallest size should be fine for this demo), and choose a region. You should see something similar to the following:

alt tag

You will be creating two droplets. We recommend you call the first calico-01 and the second calico-02.

Next, select CoreOS alpha version as the image type. Note that some regions may not have this image as an option so you may have to reselect a region that supports CoreOS alpha version. Check the Private Networking box and the User Data box under Available Settings. Add your SSH public key to be able to log in to the instance without credentials.

You should now see something similar to the following:

alt tag

Before selecting “Create Droplet”, you will need to specify the User Data.

For the first droplet calico-01, paste in the cloud config from user-data-first.

When the first droplet is running, look at the settings to get its private IPv4 address.

Repeat this process for a second host calico-02, but this time use the cloud config from user-data-others, making the following global changes before pasting it in:

  • Replace all instances of with the private IPv4 address of calico-01.

2. Running through the worked example

You can now run through the standard Calico worked example. You will require SSH access to the nodes.

SSH into each Calico host you created using the IP addresses found in the Droplets section of the Web Console:

$ ssh core@<ip>

Now that your environment is configured, you are ready to follow the Calico without Docker networking walkthrough worked example.

In the worked example, be sure to follow the additional instructions for configuring ipip and nat-outgoing.

(Optional) Enabling traffic from the internet to containers

Services running on a Calico host’s containers in DigitalOcean can be exposed to the internet. Since the containers have IP addresses in the private IP range, traffic to the container must be routed using a NAT on the host and an appropriate Calico security profile.

Let’s create a new security profile and look at the default rules.

$ calicoctl profile add WEB
$ calicoctl profile WEB rule show

You should see the following output.

Inbound rules:
   1 allow from tag WEB
Outbound rules:
   1 allow

Notice that profiles define policy for inbound packets and outbound packets separately. This profile allows inbound traffic from other endpoints with the tag WEB, and (implicitly) denies inbound traffic from all other addresses.
It allows all outbound traffic regardless of destination.

Let’s modify this profile to make it more appropriate for a public webserver by allowing TCP traffic on ports 80 and 443:

$ calicoctl profile WEB rule add inbound allow tcp to ports 80,443

Now, we can list the rules again and see the changes:

$ calicoctl profile WEB rule show

should print

Inbound rules:
   1 allow from tag WEB
   2 allow tcp to ports 80,443
Outbound rules:
   1 allow

On the same host, create a NAT that forwards port 80 traffic to a new container.

$ sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT  --to

You should now be able to access the container using the public IP address of your DigitalOcean host on port 80 by visiting http://<host public ip>:80 or running:

$ curl http://<host public ip>:80