Deploying Calico and Kubernetes on AWS

There are a number of solutions for deploying Calico and Kubernetes on AWS. We recommend taking a look at the following solutions and guides which install Calico for networking and network policy on AWS.

Make sure you’ve read the Calico AWS reference guide for details on how to configure Calico and AWS.

Heptio AWS Quickstart uses kubeadm and CloudFormation to build Kubernetes clusters on AWS using Calico for networking and network policy enforcement.

Kops is a popular Kubernetes project for launching production-ready clusters on AWS, as well as other public and private cloud environments.

kube-aws is a command-line tool by CoreOS to create, update, and destroy production-ready container-linux based Kubernetes clusters on AWS.

More installation options

If the out-of-the-box solutions listed above don’t meet your requirements, you can install Calico for Kubernetes on AWS using one of our self-hosted manifests, or by integrating Calico with your own configuration management.