Integration Guide

Calico introduces IP-per-container & fine-grained security policies to Mesos, while maintaining speed and scalability and rendering port-forwarding obsolete.

Use the navigation bar on the left to view information on Calico’s Mesos integration, or continue reading for an overview of recommended guides to get started.



Information on running etcd and configuring Docker for multi-host networking.

Integration Guide

This method walks through the necessary manual steps to integrate Calico with your own deployment scripts and tools. Follow this guide if you’re integrating Calico with your own configuration management tools.

DC/OS Installation Guide

This guide shows how to launch Calico’s Installation Framework from the DC/OS Universe.

This install can be customized to lessen service impact and improve reliability. See additional information on Customizing Calico’s DC/OS Installation Framework.


Docker Containerizer

This tutorial walks through launching Docker Containerizer tasks with Calico networking and policy.

Unified Containerizer with CNI

This tutorial walks through deploying Unified Containerizer tasks with Calico networking and policy.