calicoctl get

This sections describes the calicoctl get command.

Read the calicoctl command line interface user reference for a full list of calicoctl commands.

Displaying the help text for ‘calicoctl get’ command

Run calicoctl get --help to display the following help menu for the command.

  calicoctl get ([--scope=<SCOPE>] [--node=<NODE>] [--orchestrator=<ORCH>]
                 [--workload=<WORKLOAD>] (<KIND> [<NAME>]) |
                [--output=<OUTPUT>] [--config=<CONFIG>]

  # List all policy in default output format.
  calicoctl get policy

  # List a specific policy in YAML format
  calicoctl get -o yaml policy my-policy-1

  -h --help                    Show this screen.
  -f --filename=<FILENAME>     Filename to use to get the resource.  If set to
                               "-" loads from stdin.
  -o --output=<OUTPUT FORMAT>  Output format.  One of: yaml, json, ps, wide,
                               custom-columns=..., go-template=...,
                               go-template-file=...   [Default: ps]
  -n --node=<NODE>             The node (this may be the hostname of the
                               compute server if your installation does not
                               explicitly set the names of each Calico node).
     --orchestrator=<ORCH>     The orchestrator (valid for workload endpoints).
     --workload=<WORKLOAD>     The workload (valid for workload endpoints).
     --scope=<SCOPE>           The scope of the resource type.  One of global,
                               node.  This is only valid for BGP peers and is
                               used to indicate whether the peer is a global
                               peer or node-specific.
  -c --config=<CONFIG>         Path to the file containing connection
                               configuration in YAML or JSON format.
                               [default: /etc/calico/calicoctl.cfg]

  The get command is used to display a set of resources by filename or stdin,
  or by type and identifiers.  JSON and YAML formats are accepted for file and
  stdin format.

  Valid resource types are node, bgpPeer, hostEndpoint, workloadEndpoint,
  ipPool, policy and profile.  The <TYPE> is case insensitive and may be

  Attempting to get resources that do not exist will simply return no results.

  When getting resources by type, only a single type may be specified at a
  time.  The name and other identifiers (hostname, scope) are optional, and are
  wildcarded when omitted. Thus if you specify no identifiers at all (other
  than type), then all configured resources of the requested type will be

  By default the results are output in a ps-style table output.  There are
  alternative ways to display the data using the --output option:

    ps                    Display the results in ps-style output.
    wide                  As per the ps option, but includes more headings.
    custom-columns        As per the ps option, but only display the columns
                          that are requested in the comma-separated list.
    golang-template       Display the results using the specified golang
                          template.  This can be used to filter results, for
                          example to return a specific value.
    golang-template-file  Display the results using the golang template that is
                          contained in the specified file.
    yaml                  Display the results in YAML output format.
    json                  Display the results in JSON output format.

  Note that the data output using YAML or JSON format is always valid to use as
  input to all of the resource management commands (create, apply, replace,
  delete, get).

  Please refer to the docs at for more details on
  the output formats, including example outputs, resource structure (required
  for the golang template definitions) and the valid column names (required for
  the custom-columns option).


-h --help                    Show this screen.
-f --filename=<FILENAME>     Filename to use to get the resource.  If set to
                             "-" loads from stdin.
-o --output=<OUTPUT FORMAT>  Output format.  One of: yaml, json, ps, wide,
                             custom-columns=..., go-template=...,
                             go-template-file=...   [Default: ps]
-n --node=<NODE>             The node (this may be the hostname of the
                             compute server if your installation does not
                             explicitly set the names of each Calico node).
   --orchestrator=<ORCH>     The orchestrator (valid for workload endpoints).
   --workload=<WORKLOAD>     The workload (valid for workload endpoints).
   --scope=<SCOPE>           The scope of the resource type.  One of global,
                             node.  This is only valid for BGP peers and is
                             used to indicate whether the peer is a global
                             peer or node-specific.

General options

-c --config=<CONFIG>         Path to the file containing connection
                             configuration in YAML or JSON format.
                             [default: /etc/calico/calicoctl.cfg]

Output options


This is the default output format. It displays output in ps-style table output with sufficient columns to uniquely identify the resource.

The headings displayed for each resource type is fixed. However, wee wide option for displaying additional columns, and custom-columns for selecting which columns to display.


$ calicoctl get hostEndpoint
host1      endpoint1   
myhost     eth0        


Similar to the ps format, the wide option displays output in ps-style table output but with additional columns.

The headings displayed for each resource type is fixed. See custom-columns for selecting which columns to display.


$ calicoctl get hostEndpoint --output=wide
HOSTNAME   NAME        INTERFACE   IPS                PROFILES      
host1      endpoint1     ,0:bb::aa   prof1,prof2   
myhost     eth0                                       profile1      


Similar to the ps format, the custom-columns option displays output in ps-style table output but allows the user to specify and ordered, comma-separated list of columns to display in the output. The valid heading names for each resource type is documented in the Resources guide.


$ calicoctl get hostEndpoint --output=custom-columns=NAME,IPS
NAME        IPS                

yaml / json

The yaml and json options display the output as a list of YAML documents or JSON dictionaries. The fields for resource type are documented in the Resources guide.

The output from either of these formats may be used as input for all of the resource management commands.


$ calicoctl get hostEndpoint --output=yaml
- apiVersion: v1
  kind: hostEndpoint
    hostname: host1
      type: database
    name: endpoint1
    - 0:bb::aa
    - prof1
    - prof2
- apiVersion: v1
  kind: hostEndpoint
    hostname: myhost
    name: eth0
    - profile1

go-template / go-template-file

The go-template and go-template-file options display the output using a golang template specified as a string on the CLI, or defined in a separate file. When writing a template, be aware that the data passed to the template is a golang slice of resource-lists. The resource-lists are defined in the libcalico API and there is a resource-list defined for each resource type. A resource-list contains an Items field which is itself a slice of resources. Thus, to output the “Name” field from the supplied data, it is necessary to enumerate over the slice of resource-lists and the items within that list.


$ bin/calicoctl get hostEndpoint --output=go-template="{{range .}}{{range .Items}}{{.Metadata.Name}},{{end}}{{end}}"

See also

  • Resources for details on all valid resources, including file format and schema
  • Policy for details on the Calico selector-based policy model
  • calicoctl configuration for details on configuring calicoctl to access the Calico datastore.