Configuring Calico

This page describes the configuration options for Calico’s per-host agent, Felix along with other system configuration parameters that you may wish to set.

System configuration

A common problem on Linux systems is running out of space in the conntrack table, which can cause poor iptables performance. This can happen if you run a lot of workloads on a given host, or if your workloads create a lot of TCP connections or bidirectional UDP streams.

To avoid this becoming a problem, we recommend increasing the conntrack table size. To do so, run the following commands:

sysctl -w net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max=1000000
echo "net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max=1000000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

Felix configuration

The core Calico component is Felix. (Please see this document for more on the Calico architecture.)

Configuration for Felix is read from one of four possible locations, in order, as follows.

  1. Environment variables.
  2. The Felix configuration file.
  3. Host specific configuration in etcd.
  4. Global configuration in etcd.

The value of any configuration parameter is the value read from the first location containing a value. If not set in any of these locations, most configuration parameters have defaults, and it should be rare to have to explicitly set them.

In OpenStack, we recommend putting all configuration into configuration files, since the etcd database is transient (and may be recreated by the OpenStack plugin in certain error cases). However, in a Docker environment the use of environment variables or etcd is often more convenient.

The full list of parameters which can be set is as follows.

Setting Default Meaning
Global felix configuration    
DataplaneDriver etcdv2 One of “etcdv2” or “kubernetes”. The datastore that Felix should read endpoints and policy information from.
FelixHostname socket.gethostname() The hostname Felix reports to the plugin. Should be used if the hostname Felix autodetects is incorrect or does not match what the plugin will expect.
LogFilePath /var/log/calico/felix.log The full path to the felix log. Set to “none” to disable file logging.
LogSeveritySys ERROR The log severity above which logs are sent to the syslog. Valid values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL, or NONE for no logging to syslog (all values case insensitive).
LogSeverityFile INFO The log severity above which logs are sent to the log file. Valid values as for LogSeveritySys.
LogSeverityScreen ERROR The log severity above which logs are sent to the stdout. Valid values as for LogSeveritySys.
StartupCleanupDelay 30 Delay, in seconds, before felix does its start-of-day cleanup to remove orphaned iptables chains and ipsets. Before the first cleanup, felix operates in “graceful restart” mode, during which it preserves any pre-existing chains and ipsets. In a large deployment you may want to increase this value to give felix more time to load the initial snapshot from etcd before cleaning up.
PrometheusMetricsEnabled “false” Set to “true” to enable the experimental Prometheus metrics server in Felix.
PrometheusMetricsPort 9091 Experimental: TCP port that the Prometheus metrics server should bind to.
UsageReportingEnabled “true” Reports anonymous Calico version number and cluster size to Logs warnings returned by the usage server. For example, if a significant security vulnerability has been discovered in the version of Calico being used.
FailsafeInboundHostPorts 22 Comma-delimited list of TCP ports that Felix will allow incoming traffic to host endpoints on irrespective of the security policy. To disable all inbound host ports, use the value “none”. This is useful to avoid accidently cutting off a host with incorrect configuration. The default value allows ssh access.
FailsafeOutboundHostPorts 2379,2380,4001,7001 Comma-delimited list of TCP ports that Felix will allow outgoing from traffic from host endpoints to irrespective of the security policy. To disable all outbound host ports, use the value “none”. This is useful to avoid accidently cutting off a host with incorrect configuration. The default value opens etcd’s standard ports to ensure that Felix does not get cut off from etcd.
ReportingIntervalSecs 30 Interval at which Felix reports its status into the datastore or 0 to disable. Must be non-zero in OpenStack deployments.
ReportingTTLSecs 90 Time-to-live setting for process-wide status reports.
etcdv2 datastore    
EtcdEndpoints “EtcdScheme://EtcdAddr” Comma-delimited list of etcd endpoints to connect to; for example “http://etcd1:2379,http://etcd2:2379”.
Deprecated EtcdAddr The location (IP / hostname and port) of the etcd node or proxy that Felix should connect to.
Deprecated EtcdScheme http The protocol type (http or https) of the etcd node or proxy that Felix connects to.
EtcdKeyFile None The full path to the etcd private key file, as described in usingtlswithetcd
EtcdCertFile None The full path to the etcd certificate file, as described in usingtlswithetcd
EtcdCaFile “/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt” The full path to the etcd Certificate Authority certificate file, as described in usingtlswithetcd. The default value is the standard location of the system trust store. To disable authentication of the server by Felix, set the value to “none”.
Kubernetes datastore    
N/A   The Kubernetes datastore driver reads its configuration from Kubernetes-provided environmnet variables.
iptables dataplane configuration    
DefaultEndpointToHostAction DROP This parameter controls what happens to traffic that goes from a workload endpoint to the host itself (after the traffic hits the endpoint egress policy). By default Calico blocks traffic from workload endpoints to the host itself with an iptables “DROP” action. If you want to allow some or all traffic from endpoint to host, set this parameter to “RETURN” or “ACCEPT”. Use “RETURN” if you have your own rules in the iptables “INPUT” chain; Calico will insert its rules at the top of that chain, then “RETURN” packets to the “INPUT” chain once it has completed processing workload endpoint egress policy. Use “ACCEPT” to unconditionally accept packets from workloads after processing workload endpoint egress policy.
IptablesMarkMask 0xff000000 Mask that Felix selects its IPTables Mark bits from. Should be a 32 bit hexadecimal number with at least 8 bits set, none of which clash with any other mark bits in use on the system.
IptablesRefreshInterval 60 Period, in seconds, at which felix re-applies all iptables state to ensure that no other process has accidentally broken Calico’s rules. Set to 0 to disable iptables refresh.
MaxIpsetSize 1048576 Maximum size for the ipsets used by Felix to implement tags. Should be set to a number that is greater than the maximum number of IP addresses that are ever expected in a tag.
DataplaneDriverPrometheusMetricsPort 9092 Experimental: TCP port that the Prometheus metrics server in the dataplane driver driver process should bind to.
OpenStack-only configuration    
MetadataAddr The IP address or domain name of the server that can answer VM queries for cloud-init metadata. In OpenStack, thiscorresponds to the machine running nova-api (or in Ubuntu, nova-api-metadata). A value of ‘None’ (case insensitive) means that Felix should not set up any NAT rule for the metadata path.
MetadataPort 8775 The port of the metadata server. This, combined with global.MetadataAddr (if not ‘None’), is used to set up a NAT rule, from to MetadataAddr:MetadataPort. In most cases this should not need to be changed.

Environment variables

The highest priority of configuration is that read from environment variables. To set a configuration parameter via an environment variable, set the environment variable formed by taking FELIX_ and appending the uppercase form of the variable name. For example, to set the etcd address, set the environment variable FELIX_ETCDADDR. Other examples include FELIX_ETCDSCHEME, FELIX_ETCDKEYFILE, FELIX_ETCDCERTFILE, FELIX_ETCDCAFILE, FELIX_FELIXHOSTNAME, FELIX_LOGFILEPATH and FELIX_METADATAADDR.

Configuration file

On startup, Felix reads an ini-style configuration file. The path to this file defaults to /etc/calico/felix.cfg but can be overridden using the -c or --config-file options on the command line. If the file exists, then it is read (ignoring section names) and all parameters are set from it.

etcd configuration


etcd configuration cannot be used to set either EtcdAddr or

FelixHostname, both of which are required before the etcd configuration can be read.

when using the etcd datastore driver, etcd configuration is read from etcd from two places.

  1. For a host of FelixHostname value HOSTNAME and a parameter named NAME, it is read from /calico/v1/host/HOSTNAME/config/NAME.
  2. For a parameter named NAME, it is read from /calico/v1/config/NAME.

Note that the names are case sensitive.

OpenStack environment configuration

When running Calico with OpenStack, you also need to configure various OpenStack components, as follows.

Nova (/etc/nova/nova.conf)

Calico uses the Nova metadata service to provide metadata to VMs, without any proxying by Neutron. To make that work:

  • An instance of the Nova metadata API must run on every compute node.
  • /etc/nova/nova.conf must not set service_neutron_metadata_proxy or service_metadata_proxy to True. (The default False value is correct for a Calico cluster.)

Neutron server (/etc/neutron/neutron.conf)

In /etc/neutron/neutron.conf you need the following settings to configure the Neutron service.

Setting Value Meaning
core_plugin neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.ML2Plugin Use ML2 plugin

With OpenStack releases earlier than Liberty you will also need:

Setting Value Meaning
dhcp_agents_per_network 9999 Allow unlimited DHCP agents per network

Optionally – depending on how you want the Calico mechanism driver to connect to the Etcd cluster – you can also set the following options in the [calico] section of /etc/neutron/neutron.conf.

Setting Default Value Meaning
etcd_host localhost The hostname or IP of the etcd node/proxy
etcd_port 4001 The port to use for the etcd node/proxy

ML2 (…/ml2_conf.ini)

In /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini you need the following settings to configure the ML2 plugin.

Setting Value Meaning
mechanism_drivers calico Use Calico
type_drivers local, flat Allow ‘local’ and ‘flat’ networks
tenant_network_types local, flat Allow ‘local’ and ‘flat’ networks

DHCP agent (…/dhcp_agent.ini)

With OpenStack releases earlier than Liberty, in /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini you need the following setting to configure the Neutron DHCP agent.

Setting Value Meaning
interface_driver RoutedInterfaceDriver Use Calico’s modified DHCP agent support for TAP interfaces that are routed instead of being bridged