Vagrant Deployed Mesos Cluster with Calico

This guide will show you how to use Vagrant to launch a Mesos Cluster with Calico installed and ready to network Docker Containerizer tasks.

1. Install Dependencies

This guide requires a host machine with:

  • VirtualBox to host the virtual machines.
  • Vagrant to install and configure the machines in Virtual Box.
  • Git

2. Download Demo Files

git clone

3. Startup

cd calico/v1.6/getting-started/mesos/vagrant/
vagrant up

That’s it! Your Mesos Cluster is ready to use!

Cluster Layout

| Machine Type | OS     | Hostname        | IP Address     | Services               |
| Master       | Centos | calico-mesos-01 | | mesos-master           |
|              |        |                 |                | etcd                   |
|              |        |                 |                | docker                 |
|              |        |                 |                | zookeeper              |
|              |        |                 |                | marathon               |
|              |        |                 |                | marathon load-balancer |
|              |        |                 |                | calico-node            |
| Agents       | Centos | calico-mesos-02 | | mesos-agent            |
|              |        | calico-mesos-03 | | docker                 |
|              |        |                 |                | calico-node            |

4. SSH

To connect to your Vagrant boxes on OSX / Linux, see Vagrant’s SSH command. For Windows, see

5. Next Steps

With your cluster deployed, you can follow the Docker Containerizer Usage Guide. to learn how to launch your own Calico-networked tasks.