Upgrade Procedure (OpenStack)

This document details the procedure for upgrading a Calico-based OpenStack system. It contains the full steps for upgrading all components and the order in which that upgrade should be performed. Most releases do not concurrently upgrade all of these components: if a release does not upgrade a given component, you may skip those steps.


While the upgrade procedure is very safe, you will be unable to issue API requests to your OpenStack system during the procedure. Please plan your upgrade window accordingly, and see the Service Impact section for more details.

Service Impact

During the upgrade, all VMs will continue to function normally: there should be no impact on the data plane. However, control plane traffic may fail at different points throughout the upgrade.

Generally, users should be prevented from creating or updating virtual machines during this procedure, as these actions will fail. VM deletion may succeed, but will likely be delayed until the end of the upgrade.

For this reason, we highly recommend planning a maintenance window for the upgrade. During this window, you should disable all user API access to your OpenStack deployment.

Upgrade Procedure

Upgrade is performed in the following stages, which must be performed in the order shown.

1: Upgrade etcd

This step should be run on every machine in your deployment that runs any Calico code, and also on the machine running the etcd cluster.


Use apt-get to obtain the more recent version:

apt-get update
apt-get install etcd

Red Hat 7

Stop the etcd process:

systemctl stop etcd

Then, download the tested binary (currently 2.0.11) and install it:

curl -L  https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases/download/v2.0.11/etcd-v2.0.11-linux-amd64.tar.gz -o etcd-v2.0.11-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xvf etcd-v2.0.11-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd etcd-v2.0.11-linux-amd64
mv etcd* /usr/local/bin/

Now, restart etcd:

systemctl start etcd

2: Upgrade compute software

On each machine running the Calico compute software (the component called Felix), run the following upgrade steps.

Uninstall pip-installed networking-calico

If present, uninstall any pip-installed networking-calico package:

pip uninstall networking-calico

(networking-calico function is now installed as a Debian or RPM package instead.)


First, use apt-get to install the updated packages. On each compute host upgrade the Calico packages, as follows:

apt-get update
apt-get install calico-compute calico-felix calico-common python-etcd \


Running apt-get upgrade is not sufficient to upgrade Calico due to new dependent packages added in version 1.3. If you want to upgrade Calico as part of a system-wide update, you must use apt-get dist-upgrade.

Then, restart Felix to ensure that it picks up any changes:

service calico-felix restart

Finally, if dnsmasq was upgraded, kill it and restart the DHCP agent. This is required due to an upstream problem: oslo-rootwrap can’t kill a process when the binary has been updated since it started running:

pkill dnsmasq

For OpenStack Liberty or later, install the new Calico DHCP agent and disable the Neutron-provided one. The Calico DHCP agent is backed by etcd, allowing it to scale to higher numbers of hosts:

service neutron-dhcp-agent stop
echo manual > /etc/init/neutron-dhcp-agent.override
apt-get install calico-dhcp-agent

Check that only the Calico DHCP agent is now running:

# status calico-dhcp-agent
calico-dhcp-agent start/running, process <PID>
# status neutron-dhcp-agent
neutron-dhcp-agent stop/waiting

Or if you are using an earlier OpenStack release, restart the Neutron-provided DHCP agent:

service neutron-dhcp-agent restart

Red Hat 7

First, upgrade python-etcd:

curl -L https://github.com/projectcalico/python-etcd/archive/master.tar.gz -o python-etcd.tar.gz
tar xvf python-etcd.tar.gz
cd python-etcd-master
python setup.py install

Then, update packaged components:

yum update

We recommend upgrading the whole distribution as shown here. In case you prefer to upgrade particular packages only, those needed for a Calico compute node are the following.


Finally, if dnsmasq was upgraded, kill it and restart the DHCP agent. This is required due to an upstream problem: oslo-rootwrap can’t kill a process when the binary has been updated since it started running:

pkill dnsmasq

For OpenStack Liberty or later, modify /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. In the [oslo_concurrency] section, ensure that the lock_path variable is uncommented and set as follows:

# Directory to use for lock files. For security, the specified directory should
# only be writable by the user running the processes that need locking.
# Defaults to environment variable OSLO_LOCK_PATH. If external locks are used,
# a lock path must be set.
lock_path = $state_path/lock

For OpenStack Liberty or later, install the new Calico DHCP agent and disable the Neutron-provided one. The Calico DHCP agent is backed by etcd, allowing it to scale to higher numbers of hosts:

systemctl stop neutron-dhcp-agent
systemctl disable neutron-dhcp-agent
yum install calico-dhcp-agent

Check that (only) the Calico DHCP agent is started:

# systemctl status calico-dhcp-agent
Active: active (running)
# systemctl status neutron-dhcp-agent
Active: inactive

Or if you are using an earlier OpenStack release:

systemctl restart neutron-dhcp-agent

3: Upgrade control software

On each machine running the Calico control software (every machine running neutron-server), run the following upgrade steps.


First, use apt-get to install the updated packages. On each control host you can upgrade only the Calico packages, as follows:

apt-get update
apt-get install calico-control calico-common python-etcd networking-calico


Running apt-get upgrade is not sufficient to upgrade Calico due to new dependent packages added in version 1.3. If you want to upgrade Calico as part of a system-wide update, you must use apt-get dist-upgrade.

Then, restart Neutron to ensure that it picks up any changes:

service neutron-server restart

Red Hat 7

First, upgrade python-etcd:

curl -L https://github.com/projectcalico/python-etcd/archive/master.tar.gz -o python-etcd.tar.gz
tar xvf python-etcd.tar.gz
cd python-etcd-master
python setup.py install

Then, update packaged components:

yum update

We recommend upgrading the whole distribution as shown here. In case you prefer to upgrade particular packages only, those needed for a Calico control node are the following.


Then, restart Neutron to ensure that it picks up any changes:

systemctl restart neutron-server