Calico with Docker

Calico implements a Docker network plugin that can be used to provide routing and advanced network policy for Docker containers.

Use the navigation bar on the left to view information on Calico for Docker, or continue reading for an overview of recommended guides to get started.



Information on running etcd and configuring Docker for multi-host networking.

Installation Guide

Learn the two-step process for launching Calico for Docker.

Quickstart with “Calico-Ready” Clusters

Vagrant/VirtualBox: Container Linux by CoreOS

Follow this guide to launch a local 2-node CoreOS Container Linux cluster with everything you need to install and use Calico.

Vagrant Ubuntu

Follow this guide to launch a local 2-node Ubuntu cluster with everything you need to install and use Calico.


Simple Policy

The above guide demonstrates Calico connectivity cross host, and how to limit that connectivity using simple Calico policy.

Advanced Policy

The above guide digs deeper into advanced policy configurations for workloads.


This guide walks through configuring a Docker network for use with Calico and how to statically assign IP addresses from that network