Running the Calico tutorials on Ubuntu using Vagrant and VirtualBox

These instructions allow you to set up an Ubuntu cluster ready to network Docker containers with Calico using Vagrant.

1. Streamlined setup of the VMs

1.1 Install dependencies

1.2 Clone this project

git clone

1.3 Startup and SSH

For Calico as a Docker network plugin

cd calico/v2.0/getting-started/docker/installation/vagrant-ubuntu
vagrant up

To connect to your servers

1.4 Verify environment

You should now have two Ubuntu servers, with Etcd running on the first server.

At this point, it’s worth checking that your servers can ping each other.

From calico-1


From calico-2


If you see ping failures, the likely culprit is a problem with the VirtualBox network between the VMs. You should check that each host is connected to the same virtual network adapter in VirtualBox and rebooting the host may also help. Remember to shut down the VMs with vagrant halt before you reboot.

You should also verify each host can access etcd. The following will return an error if etcd is not available.

curl -L

And finally check that Docker is running on both hosts by running

docker ps

2. Install Calico

With your VMs running, and connectivity between them established, it is time to launch calico/node.

The Vagrant machines already have calicoctl installed. Use it to launch calico/node:

sudo ETCD_ENDPOINTS= calicoctl node run

This will start the calico/node container on this host. Check it is running:

docker ps

You should see output like this on each node

vagrant@calico-01:~$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
408bd2b9ba53        calico/node:v1.0.2   "start_runit"       About an hour ago   Up About an hour                        calico-node

Next Steps

Now that you have a basic two node Ubuntu cluster setup, see the simple policy walkthrough