Integration Guide

This guide explains the components necessary to install Calico on Mesos for integrating with custom configuration management. To install Calico in Mesos, no changes are needed on any Mesos Master. Adding Calico to a Mesos cluster only requires modifications to each Agent.

Ensure you’ve met the prerequisites before continuing, namely that you have etcd running.

Calico runs as a Docker container on each host. The calicoctl command line tool can be used to launch the calico/node container.

  1. Download the calicoctl binary:

    sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/calicoctl
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/calicoctl
  2. Launch calico/node:

    sudo ETCD_ENDPOINTS=http://$ETCD_IP:$ETCD_PORT calicoctl node run

    Note: Ensure you’ve set or replaced $ETCD_IP and $ETCD_PORT to point to your etcd cluster.

    Check that calico/node is now running:

    vagrant@calico-01:~$ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                COMMAND             CREATED              STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
    408bd2b9ba53        calico/node:v1.0.2   "start_runit"       About an hour ago    Up About an hour                        calico-node

    Furthermore, check that the calico/node container is functioning properly with the following command:

    sudo calicoctl node status
  3. Download the Calico CNI plugin to the $NETWORK_CNI_PLUGINS_DIR you configured for Mesos. You may skip this step if you do not plan on using the Unified Containerizer.

    curl -L -o $NETWORK_CNI_PLUGINS_DIR/calico \
    curl -L -o $NETWORK_CNI_PLUGINS_DIR/calico-ipam \
    chmod +x $NETWORK_CNI_PLUGINS_DIR/calico
    chmod +x $NETWORK_CNI_PLUGINS_DIR/calico-ipam

Next Steps

With Calico Installed, you’re now ready to launch Calico-networked tasks. View the guide relevant to your workloads: