Ubuntu Packaged Install Instructions

These instructions will take you through a first-time install of Calico using the latest packages on a system running Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) or 16.04 (Xenial), with OpenStack Icehouse, Juno, Kilo, Liberty or Mitaka. If you are upgrading an existing system, please see this document instead for upgrade instructions.

There are three sections to the install: installing etcd, upgrading control nodes to use Calico, and upgrading compute nodes to use Calico. The Common Steps must be followed on each node before moving onto the specific instructions in those sections.


Before starting this you will need the following:

  • One or more machines running Ubuntu (these will be installed as your OpenStack compute or control nodes).
  • SSH access to these machines.

Common Steps

Some steps need to be taken on all machines being installed with Calico. These steps are detailed in this section.

Install OpenStack

If you haven’t already done so, you should install OpenStack with Neutron and ML2 networking. Instructions for installing OpenStack can be found at http://docs.openstack.org.

Configuring the APT software sources

The latest version of Calico for OpenStack is 2.0, and we recommend using it with OpenStack Liberty or later. Other possible combinations are shown by the following table.

OpenStack release Calico version Ubuntu versions PPAs
Mitaka 2.0 Xenial, Trusty calico-2.0
Liberty 2.0 Xenial, Trusty calico-2.0
Mitaka 1.4 Xenial, Trusty calico-1.4
Liberty 1.4 Xenial, Trusty calico-1.4
Kilo 1.4 Trusty calico-1.4, kilo
(deprecated) Kilo 1.3 Trusty kilo
(deprecated) Juno 1.3 Trusty juno
(deprecated) Icehouse 1.3 Trusty icehouse

For your chosen combination, you need to configure APT to use the corresponding PPA(s). For example, for Calico 2.0 with Liberty or later:

    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:project-calico/calico-2.0

Before OpenStack Liberty, Calico needed patched versions of Nova and Neutron. If you’re using a version of OpenStack prior to Liberty, edit /etc/apt/preferences to add the following lines, whose effect is to prefer Calico-provided packages for Nova and Neutron even if later versions of those packages are released by Ubuntu.

    Package: *
    Pin: release o=LP-PPA-project-calico-*
    Pin-Priority: 1001


You will also need to add the official BIRD PPA. This PPA contains fixes to BIRD that are not yet available in Ubuntu. To add the PPA, run:

    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cz.nic-labs/bird

Once that’s done, update your package manager on each machine:

    $ sudo apt-get update

Etcd Install

Calico requires an etcd database to operate – this may be installed on a single machine or as a cluster.

These instructions cover installing a single node etcd database. You may wish to co-locate this with your control node. If you want to install a cluster, please get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to help you through the process.

  1. Install the etcd packages:

        $ sudo apt-get install etcd python-etcd
  2. Stop the etcd service: :

        $ sudo service etcd stop
  3. Delete any existing etcd database: :

        $ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/etcd/*
  4. Mount a RAM disk at /var/lib/etcd: :

        $ sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=512m tmpfs /var/lib/etcd
  5. Add the following to the bottom of /etc/fstab so that the RAM disk gets reinstated at boot time:

        tmpfs /var/lib/etcd tmpfs nodev,nosuid,noexec,nodiratime,size=512M 0 0
  6. Edit /etc/init/etcd.conf:
    • Find the line which begins exec /usr/bin/etcd and edit it, substituting for <controller_fqdn> and <controller_ip> appropriately.

          exec /usr/bin/etcd --name="<controller_fqdn>"  \
                             --advertise-client-urls="http://<controller_ip>:2379,http://<controller_ip>:4001"  \
                             --listen-client-urls=","  \
                             --listen-peer-urls ""  \
                             --initial-advertise-peer-urls "http://<controller_ip>:2380"  \
                             --initial-cluster-token $(uuidgen)  \
                             --initial-cluster "<controller_fqdn>=http://<controller_ip>:2380"  \
                             --initial-cluster-state "new"
  7. Start the etcd service: :

        $ sudo service etcd start

Etcd Proxy Install

Install an etcd proxy on every node running OpenStack services that isn’t running the etcd database itself (both control and compute nodes).

  1. Install the etcd and python-etcd packages:

        $ sudo apt-get install etcd python-etcd
  2. Stop the etcd service: :

        $ sudo service etcd stop
  3. Delete any existing etcd database: :

        $ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/etcd/*
  4. Edit /etc/init/etcd.conf:
    • Find the line which begins exec /usr/bin/etcd and edit it, substituting for <etcd_fqdn> and <etcd_ip> appropriately:

          exec /usr/bin/etcd --proxy on                                             \
                             --initial-cluster "<etcd_fqdn>=http://<etcd_ip>:2380"  \
  5. Start the etcd service:

        $ sudo service etcd start

Control Node Install

On each control node ensure etcd or an etcd proxy is installed, and then perform the following steps:

  1. Run apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade. These commands will bring in Calico-specific updates to the OpenStack packages and to dnsmasq. (OpenStack updates are not needed for Liberty.)

  2. Install the calico-control package:

        $ sudo apt-get install calico-control
  3. Edit the /etc/neutron/neutron.conf file. In the [DEFAULT] section:
    • Find the line beginning with core_plugin, and change it to read core_plugin = calico.
  4. With OpenStack releases earlier than Liberty, edit the /etc/neutron/neutron.conf file. In the [DEFAULT] section:
    • Find the line for the dhcp_agents_per_network setting, uncomment it, and set its value to the number of compute nodes that you will have (or any number larger than that). This allows a DHCP agent to run on every compute node, which Calico requires because the networks on different compute nodes are not bridged together.
  5. Restart the Neutron server process:

        $ sudo service neutron-server restart

Compute Node Install

On each compute node ensure etcd or an etcd proxy is installed, and then perform the following steps:

  1. Make the changes to SELinux and QEMU config that are described in this libvirt Wiki page, to allow VM interfaces with type='ethernet'.

    Disable SELinux if it’s running. SELinux isn’t installed by default on Ubuntu – you can check its status by running sestatus. If this is installed and the current mode is enforcing, then disable it by running setenforce permissive and setting SELINUX=permissive in /etc/selinux/config.

    In /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf, add or edit the following four options (in particular note the /dev/net/tun in cgroup_device_acl):

        clear_emulator_capabilities = 0
        user = "root"
        group = "root"
        cgroup_device_acl = [
             "/dev/null", "/dev/full", "/dev/zero",
             "/dev/random", "/dev/urandom",
             "/dev/ptmx", "/dev/kvm", "/dev/kqemu",
             "/dev/rtc", "/dev/hpet", "/dev/net/tun",

    Then restart libvirt to pick up the changes:

        $ sudo service libvirt-bin restart
  2. Open /etc/nova/nova.conf and remove the line from the [DEFAULT] section that reads:

        linuxnet_interface_driver = nova.network.linux_net.LinuxOVSInterfaceDriver

    Remove the lines from the [neutron] section setting service_neutron_metadata_proxy or service_metadata_proxy to True, if there are any.

    Restart nova compute.

        $ sudo service nova-compute restart
  3. If they’re running, stop the Open vSwitch services:

        $ sudo service openvswitch-switch stop
        $ sudo service neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent stop

    Then, prevent the services running if you reboot:

        $ sudo sh -c "echo 'manual' > /etc/init/openvswitch-switch.override"
        $ sudo sh -c "echo 'manual' > /etc/init/openvswitch-force-reload-kmod.override"
        $ sudo sh -c "echo 'manual' > /etc/init/neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent.override"

    Then, on your control node, run the following command to find the agents that you just stopped:

        neutron agent-list

    For each agent, delete them with the following command on your control node, replacing <agent-id> with the ID of the agent:

        neutron agent-delete <agent-id>
  4. Install some extra packages:

        $ sudo apt-get install neutron-common neutron-dhcp-agent nova-api-metadata
  5. Run apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade. These commands will bring in Calico-specific updates to the OpenStack packages and to dnsmasq. For OpenStack Liberty, this step only upgrades dnsmasq.


    Check the version of libvirt-bin that is installed using dpkg -s libvirt-bin. For Kilo, the version of libvirt-bin should be at least 1.2.12-0ubuntu13. This will become part of the standard Ubuntu Kilo repository, but at the time of writing needs to be installed as follows:

    shell $ sudo add-apt-repository cloud-archive:kilo-proposed $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade

  6. If you’re using OpenStack Icehouse, Juno or Kilo, open /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini in your preferred text editor, and set the following in the [DEFAULT] section:

        interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.RoutedInterfaceDriver

    and then restart the DHCP agent:

        $ sudo service neutron-dhcp-agent restart

    For OpenStack Liberty and later, install the Calico DHCP agent (which uses etcd, allowing it to scale to higher numbers of hosts) and disable the Neutron-provided one:

        $ sudo service neutron-dhcp-agent stop
        $ echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/neutron-dhcp-agent.override
        $ sudo apt-get install calico-dhcp-agent
  7. Install the calico-compute package:

        $ sudo apt-get install calico-compute

    This step may prompt you to save your IPTables rules to make them persistent on restart – hit yes.

  8. Configure BIRD. By default Calico assumes that you’ll be deploying a route reflector to avoid the need for a full BGP mesh. To this end, it includes useful configuration scripts that will prepare a BIRD config file with a single peering to the route reflector. If that’s correct for your network, you can run either or both of the following commands.

    For IPv4 connectivity between compute hosts:

        $ sudo calico-gen-bird-conf.sh <compute_node_ip> <route_reflector_ip> <bgp_as_number>

    And/or for IPv6 connectivity between compute hosts:

        $ sudo calico-gen-bird6-conf.sh <compute_node_ipv4> <compute_node_ipv6> <route_reflector_ipv6> <bgp_as_number>

    Note that you’ll also need to configure your route reflector to allow connections from the compute node as a route reflector client. If you are using BIRD as a route reflector, follow the instructions here. If you are using another route reflector, refer to the appropriate instructions to configure a client connection.

    If you are configuring a full BGP mesh you’ll need to handle the BGP configuration appropriately on each compute host. The scripts above can be used to generate a sample configuration for BIRD, by replacing the <route_reflector_ip> with the IP of one other compute host – this will generate the configuration for a single peer connection, which you can duplicate and update for each compute host in your mesh.

    To maintain connectivity between VMs if BIRD crashes or is upgraded, configure BIRD graceful restart:

    • Add -R to BIRD_ARGS in /etc/bird/envvars (you may need to uncomment this option).
    • Edit the upstart jobs /etc/init/bird.conf and bird6.conf ()if you’re using IPv6), and add the following script to it.

          pre-stop script
          PID=`status bird | egrep -oi '([0-9]+)$' | head -n1`
          kill -9 $PID
          end script
  9. Create the /etc/calico/felix.cfg file by taking a copy of the supplied sample config at /etc/calico/felix.cfg.example.
  10. Restart the Felix service with service calico-felix restart.