calicoctl node

This section describes the calicoctl node commands.

Read the calicoctl Overview for a full list of calicoctl commands.

Note that if you run calicoctl in a container, calicoctl node ... commands will not work (they need access to parts of the host filesystem).

Displaying the help text for ‘calicoctl node’ commands

Run calicoctl node --help to display the following help menu for the commands.

  calicoctl node <command> [<args>...]

    status       View the current status of a Calico node.
    diags        Gather a diagnostics bundle for a Calico node.
    checksystem  Verify the compute host is able to run a Calico node instance.

  -h --help      Show this screen.

  Node specific commands for calicoctl.  These commands must be run directly on
  the compute host running the Calico node instance.
  See 'calicoctl node <command> --help' to read about a specific subcommand.

Node specific commands

Details on the calicoctl node commands are described in the documents linked below organized by sub command.