IP Pool Resource (ipPool)

An IP pool resource (ipPool) represents a collection of IP addresses from which Calico expects endpoint IPs to be assigned.

For calicoctl commands that specify a resource type on the CLI, the following aliases are supported (all case insensitive): ippool, ippools, ipp, ipps, pool, pools.

Sample YAML

apiVersion: v1
kind: ipPool
    enabled: false
  nat-outgoing: true
  disabled: false

IP Pool Definition


Field Description Accepted Values Schema
cidr IP range to use for this pool. A valid IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR. string


Field Description Accepted Values Schema Default
ipip ipip tunneling configuration for this pool. If not specified, ipip tunneling is disabled for this pool.   IPIP  
nat-outgoing When enabled, packets sent from calico networked containers in this pool to destinations outside of this pool will be masqueraded. true, false boolean false
disabled When set to true, Calico IPAM will not assign addresses from this pool. true, false boolean false


Field Description Accepted Values Schema Default
enabled When set to true, ipip encapsulation will be used. true, false boolean true