
The following table shows component versioning for Calico v2.0.

To select a different version, click Releases in the top navigation bar.

v2.0.2 - Release Notes

This is a bug fix release. A summary of the major fixes:

  • Various fixes to the Kubernetes datastore driver.
  • Fix leaked IPs in Calico CNI plugin when using host-local IPAM with usePodCidr.

View release notes for the following components below for more information:

Component Version
felix 2.0.3
calicoctl v1.0.2
calico/node v1.0.2
calico/cni v1.5.6
libcalico v0.19.0
libcalico-go v1.0.2
calico-bird v0.2.0
calico-bgp-daemon v0.1.1
libnetwork-plugin v1.0.0
calico/kube-policy-controller v0.5.2
networking-calico 889cfff

v2.0.1 - Release Notes

This is a bug fix release. A summary of the major fixes:

  • Fix issue where labels with multiple slashes were not respected.
  • Fix log spam in policy controller when no NetworkPolicies are defined.
  • Fix graceful restart behavior when IPIP is enabled.
  • Fix ipv4_nat not working for floating IPs.
  • Fix log spam when we fail to remove routes from a deleted interface.

View release notes for the following components below for more information:

Component Version
felix 2.0.2
calicoctl v1.0.1
calico/node v1.0.1
calico/cni v1.5.5
libcalico v0.19.0
libcalico-go v1.0.1
calico-bird v0.2.0
calico-bgp-daemon v0.1.1
libnetwork-plugin v1.0.0
calico/kube-policy-controller v0.5.2
networking-calico 889cfff

v2.0.0 - Release Notes

  • The calicoctl command line tool has been updated to provide an object-oriented resource focused UX.
  • For Kubernetes deployments, Calico now has the option of using the Kubernetes API server as its backend datastore instead of etcd. Under the covers, this is implemented using a new pluggable datastore API introduced in libcalico-go.
  • Improved Felix startup performance, particularly around resync, graceful restart, and catch-up behavior.
  • Improved packaging that now vendors our dependencies; removes potential Python dependency issues such as incompatible urllib3/requests versions
  • Felix introduces a new dataplane driver API, which will allow for non-iptables dataplanes in the future.
  • For pure Go enthusiasts, Calico now has experimental support for swapping out the C++ based BIRD BGP implementation with GoBGP instead.
  • Many of Calico’s components have been ported from Python to Go, including: calicoctl, libcalico (as libcalico-go), calico-cni, libnetwork-plugin, most of Felix, and parts of calico/node. This port brings with it improved performance and better alignment with many of the projects within the container ecosystem (e.g. Calico now uses the native APIs for kubernetes, etcd, and Prometheus directly).

And more! View release notes for the following components below for more information:

Component Version
felix 2.0.0
calicoctl v1.0.0
calico/node v1.0.0
calico/cni v1.5.5
libcalico v0.19.0
libcalico-go v1.0.0
calico-bird v0.2.0
calico-bgp-daemon v0.1.1
libnetwork-plugin v1.0.0
calico/kube-policy-controller v0.5.1
networking-calico 889cfff


Component Version
felix 2.0.0-rc7
calicoctl v1.0.0-rc4
calico/node v1.0.0-rc4
calico/cni v1.5.4
libcalico v0.19.0
libcalico-go v1.0.0-rc6
calico-bird v0.2.0
calico-bgp-daemon v0.1.1-rc3
libnetwork-plugin v1.0.0-rc4
calico/kube-policy-controller v0.5.1
networking-calico 889cfff


Component Version
felix 2.0.0-rc4
calicoctl v1.0.0-rc2
calico/node v1.0.0-rc2
calico/cni v1.5.3
libcalico v0.19.0
libcalico-go v1.0.0-rc4
calico-bird v0.2.0-rc1
calico-bgp-daemon v0.1.1-rc2
libnetwork-plugin v1.0.0-rc3
calico/kube-policy-controller v0.5.1
networking-calico 889cfff


Component Version
felix 2.0.0-beta.3
calicoctl v1.0.0-beta
calico/node v1.0.0-beta
calico/cni v1.5.0
libcalico v0.18.0
libcalico-go v1.0.0-beta
calico-bird v0.1.0
calico-bgp-daemon v0.1.0
libnetwork-plugin v1.0.0-beta
calico/kube-policy-controller v0.5.0
networking-calico 889cfff

To see detailed release notes for each component, please click on the relevant version just above.