Release notes

The following table shows component versioning for Calico v3.8.

To select a different version, click Releases in the top navigation bar.


Release archive with Kubernetes manifests, Docker images and binaries.

28 May 2020

Other changes

Component Version
typha v3.8.9
calicoctl v3.8.9
calico/node v3.8.9
calico/cni v3.8.9
calico/kube-controllers v3.8.9
networking-calico v3.8.9
flannel v0.11.0
calico/dikastes v3.8.9
flexvol v3.8.9


Release archive with Kubernetes manifests, Docker images and binaries.

25 Mar 2020

Other changes

  • Update license attributions in calico/node image node #449 (@caseydavenport)
  • Update license attributions in calico/cni image cni-plugin #449 (@caseydavenport)
  • Update license attributions in calico/typha image typha #353 (@caseydavenport)
Component Version
typha v3.8.8-1
calicoctl v3.8.8
calico/node v3.8.8-1
calico/cni v3.8.8-1
calico/kube-controllers v3.8.8
networking-calico v3.8.8
flannel v0.11.0
calico/dikastes v3.8.8
flexvol v3.8.8


Release archive with Kubernetes manifests, Docker images and binaries.

16 Mar 2020

Bug fixes

  • Use mv to place CNI binaries instead of cp cni-plugin #850 (@caseydavenport)

Other changes

  • Update to latest Debian:10-slim base image to pull in CVE fixes.
Component Version
typha v3.8.7
calicoctl v3.8.7
calico/node v3.8.7
calico/cni v3.8.7
calico/kube-controllers v3.8.7
networking-calico v3.8.7
flannel v0.11.0
calico/dikastes v3.8.7
flexvol v3.8.7


Release archive with Kubernetes manifests, Docker images and binaries.

06 Jan 2020

Bug fixes

Other changes

Component Version
typha v3.8.6
calicoctl v3.8.6
calico/node v3.8.6
calico/cni v3.8.6
calico/kube-controllers v3.8.6
networking-calico 3.9.2
flannel v0.11.0
calico/dikastes v3.8.6
flexvol v3.8.6


Release archive with Kubernetes manifests, Docker images and binaries.

06 Dec 2019

Other changes

  • Timeouts added to Calico CNI calls cni-plugin #816 (@rafaelvanoni)
  • Add bird/bird6 liveness checks node #374 (@asincu)
  • Backport fix for better error handling when syslog connection fails pod2daemon #31 (@fasaxc)
Component Version
typha v3.8.5
calicoctl v3.8.5
calico/node v3.8.5
calico/cni v3.8.5
calico/kube-controllers v3.8.5
networking-calico 3.8.5
flannel v0.11.0
calico/dikastes v3.8.5
flexvol v3.8.5


Release archive with Kubernetes manifests, Docker images and binaries.

17 Oct 2019

Bug fixes

  • Fix crash-looping kube-controllers - don’t log to disk kube-controllers #422 (@caseydavenport)
  • Make sure we include latest packages node #351 (@caseydavenport)
Component Version
typha v3.8.4
calicoctl v3.8.4
calico/node v3.8.4
calico/cni v3.8.4
calico/kube-controllers v3.8.4
networking-calico 3.8.4
flannel v0.11.0
calico/dikastes v3.8.4
flexvol v3.8.4


Release archive with Kubernetes manifests, Docker images and binaries.

15 Oct 2019

Bug fixes

  • Support for BoundServiceAccountTokenVolumes in Kubernetes.
    • calico/node updates CNI kubeconfig when credentials change node #347 (@caseydavenport)
    • Update client-go to support BoundServiceAccountTokenVolumes node #347 (@caseydavenport)
    • Update client-go to support BoundServiceAccountTokenVolumes typha #321 (@caseydavenport)
    • Update client-go to support BoundServiceAccountTokenVolumes libcalico-go #1141 (@caseydavenport)
Component Version
typha v3.8.3
calicoctl v3.8.3
calico/node v3.8.3
calico/cni v3.8.3
calico/kube-controllers v3.8.3
networking-calico 3.8.3
flannel v0.11.0
calico/dikastes v3.8.3
flexvol v3.8.3


Release archive with Kubernetes manifests, Docker images and binaries.

14 Aug 2019

Bug fixes

  • Fix race condition where a non-Calico iptables rule may be removed felix #2102 (@lmm)
Component Version
typha v3.8.2
calicoctl v3.8.2
calico/node v3.8.2
calico/cni v3.8.2
calico/kube-controllers v3.8.2
networking-calico 3.8.2
flannel v0.11.0
calico/dikastes v3.8.2
flexvol v3.8.2


Release archive with Kubernetes manifests, Docker images and binaries.

26 Jul 2019

Other changes

  • calico/node base image changed to debian:10-slim node #275 (@caseydavenport)
  • calico can run on systems which use iptables in nft compatibility mode
    • calico/node now includes legacy and nftables versions of the iptables tooling node #267 (@fasaxc)
    • Adjust VXLAN rules to be compatible with iptables in NFT mode felix #2087 (@caseydavenport)
    • Felix now supports iptables 1.8 in nftables mode. The correct mode must be selected through configuration. felix #2074 (@fasaxc)
    • Add FelixConfiguration option for IptablesBackend libcalico-go #1105 (@fasaxc)
Component Version
typha v3.8.1
calicoctl v3.8.1
calico/node v3.8.1
calico/cni v3.8.1
calico/kube-controllers v3.8.1
networking-calico 3.8.0
flannel v0.11.0
calico/dikastes v3.8.1
flexvol v3.8.1


Release archive with Kubernetes manifests, Docker images and binaries.

01 Jul 2019

IPAM utilization reporting

You can now view IP address usage for each IP pool using calicoctl. This allows you to more easily manage the IP space in your cluster, providing a simple way to see which IP pools have addresses available and which are running low. See the calicoctl reference documentation for more detailed information on how to use this feature.

Pull requests:

Istio integration improvements

Calico v3.8.0 includes several improvements to its integration with Istio for application layer policy enforcement. Calico now supports Istio v1.1, and includes the necessary drivers and volumes in calico-node by default. To enable, simply modify the default felix configuration.

Pull requests:

  • Adds support for envoy.service.auth.v2 API; supports Istio 1.1 app-policy #91 (@spikecurtis)
  • Includes App Layer Policy drivers & volumes in calico-node but leaves disabled by default. calico #2633 (@spikecurtis)
  • Sidecar injector ConfigMaps for multiple Istio versions, URL changed calico #2619 (@spikecurtis)

Explicit source IP for outgoing NAT

You can now specify an exact address to use for outgoing SNAT when workloads are sending traffic outside of the cluster. This enables better support for hosts with multiple interface addresses. For example, you may want to ensure that SNAT occurs using a publicly routable secondary IP address on your primary interface.

Pull requests:

  • Support for specifying explicit IP to be used for outgoing NAT felix #2028 (@maxstr)
  • Support for specifying explicit IP to be used for outgoing NAT libcalico-go #1089 (@maxstr)

Bug fixes

  • Fix that VXLAN routes were revoked but not re-added if node IP tunnel or main IP changed. felix #2030 (@fasaxc)
  • Fixed slow memory leak that was noticed with lots of workload churn. felix #2023 (@tmjd)

Other changes

  • Manifests now use the stable v1 Kubernetes APIs calico #2629 (@jadech32)
  • Assign priority classes to Calico components calico #2564 (@tomastigera)
  • Validate BGP peer node and peer selectors libcalico-go #1091 (@jadech32)
  • Add etcd DNS discovery support for specifying etcdv3 endpoint(s). libcalico-go #1086 (@jsok)
  • Only update peers if there was a significant change in nodes confd #234 (@cezarsa)
  • Changed order of releasing IP and removing interface cni-plugin #746 (@jadech32)
  • Update cni-plugins version to v0.8.0 and add bandwidth plugin for traffic shaping. cni-plugin #745 (@johscheuer)
Component Version
typha v3.8.0
calicoctl v3.8.0
calico/node v3.8.0
calico/cni v3.8.0
calico/kube-controllers v3.8.0
networking-calico 3.8.0
flannel v0.11.0
calico/dikastes v3.8.0
flexvol v3.8.0